There are many dangers on the West Virginia roads. They can impact drivers, motorcyclists, bicyclists and pedestrians. In recent years, pedestrian safety has come to the forefront. Given the risky driving behaviors that have become prevalent, it is important for people to understand what people are doing behind the wheel and why it is so risky for pedestrians.
Researchers conduct surveys and calculate statistics as to what drivers are doing behind the wheel. This is meant to help lawmakers and law enforcement take preventative measures and reduce the chances of a collision. Additionally, campaigns are used to educate people on how to stay safe.
The long-term consequences of a pedestrian accident are significant. Knowing what options are available to make a full recovery personally, financially, physically and emotionally may require assistance.
West Virginia is in the top 10 for worst driving behaviors
Recently, a survey analyzed which states have the worst driving behaviors. It calculated drivers’ speeding and how far over the speed limit they went; whether they sped up to try and go through a yellow light; if they texted and drove; if they changed lanes without signaling; and if they honked and made their displeasure known to other drivers.
Out of a possible 100, West Virginia drivers registered 80.89 when adding up the points. Eighteen percent of drivers confessed that they texted while driving. This is particularly problematic for pedestrians as many auto-pedestrian accidents occur because the driver was distracted.
West Virginia drivers came in fourth for speeding up when a light turned yellow; eighth for passing in no-passing zones; and ninth for going at least 20 miles per hour beyond the posted speed limit.
Safety campaign focused on pedestrian safety month
The state dedicated the entire month of October 2024 to pedestrian safety. Nationally, the most recent comprehensive statistics for pedestrian fatalities are for 2022. That year, more than 7,500 pedestrians across the nation were killed. That was a slight increase from the previous year. It was also the most pedestrian deaths in four decades. More than 67,300 were injured in collisions. This was a spike of 11% from 2021.
West Virginia had 21 pedestrian fatalities that year. This came to 8% of all road deaths. Fortunately, this was an improvement from 2021 when there were 36 such deaths. People are constantly walking during autumn, especially late in the month for Halloween when there are young children out and about. This makes it essential to focus on safety. Tips for pedestrians and drivers include behaving predictably and responsibly and adhering to the speed limits.
People injured in a pedestrian accident will have myriad concerns
Pedestrians are inherently vulnerable to catastrophic injuries and the possibility of a fatality when they are in an auto accident. This can be costly financially, result in them needing an extensive hospital stay, being unable to work and facing long-term consequences. When there is a fatality, their family will wonder how they will move on.
The accident needs to be investigated to determine how it happened. Those who were hurt and are worried about the future should have experienced and caring advice that understands what they are going through. A compassionate ear and a helping hand can be crucial to taking the necessary steps to hold drivers accountable and make a full recovery.