West Virginia residents, along with most of the rest of the country, have seen some difficult times in the last year and a half or so. Some of the most challenging issues have been financial problems. You or your spouse may have lost a job, for example, or maybe your savings account has run dry. Whatever the case, one thing seems certain – turbulent times aren’t going away anytime soon. For those who are facing the most difficult of financial situations, the thought of bankruptcy may cross their minds. If that is the case, those individuals probably have concerns to address.
Probably the most common concern is whether or not you are even eligible to file for bankruptcy protection. Each person’s financial situation is different, and there are definitely eligibility restrictions to address. But, in most cases, some form of bankruptcy is likely to be available as an option.
Another common concern is the thought that bankruptcy will leave you with “nothing” in the end. That simply isn’t the case. For most people, many of their assets will be “exempt” from the bankruptcy proceedings – which means that they get to keep those assets regardless of the bankruptcy filing. The idea is that bankruptcy addresses your debts in a reasonable way – not to leave you in a worse financial position.
Your questions get answered
Whatever concerns or questions you might have about bankruptcy, our law firm stands ready to help. West Virginia residents don’t have to face their financial difficulties alone. For more information about how we might be able to help, please visit the bankruptcy overview section of our law firm’s website.