Without a doubt, bankruptcy carries the potential to provide you with the fresh financial start that you’re looking for. But if you’re like many people who are struggling with debt, you might have concerns about the long-term impact of bankruptcy. While it’s true that...
The People’s Lawyer
3 major benefits of Chapter 7 bankruptcy
Debt can be suffocating, with bills piling up and relentless creditors won’t stop calling. Despite all this, you may not have entertained the thought of bankruptcy. Misconceptions surrounding bankruptcy do tend to overshadow its potential benefits. Chapter 7...
How often can you file for bankruptcy?
Bankruptcy is a process that helps people recover from overwhelming debt, such as medical bills, late fees and credit card debt. There are two popular forms of bankruptcy: Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Chapter 7 bankruptcy helps people who can not afford to pay...
Can someone qualify for a mortgage after bankruptcy?
Filing for personal bankruptcy is sometimes the best option for someone who is dealing with high levels of personal debt. A bankruptcy filing temporarily stops collection activity. It can also lead to someone receiving a discharge of their unsecured debts. Those with...
Does filing for bankruptcy mean I have to sell the family home?
For most of us, the largest purchase we will ever make is the family home. Indeed, it is the primary way that we grow wealth in America, which is why so many are worried about it when they file for bankruptcy. However, when you are overwhelmed by debt, you may think...
Are you standing at the intersection of divorce and bankruptcy?
Unfortunately, bad things sometimes happen to good people. Even worse, they can occur simultaneously, making hard times even tougher to endure. This is particularly true when couples face both divorce and bankruptcy at the same time. But while it might indeed be time...
3 bankruptcy myths debunked
It can be challenging to accept that it’s time to file for bankruptcy. Nonetheless, considering its benefits (getting a fresh start, avoiding lawsuits and stopping endless calls from creditors) can make the decision more manageable. It’s important to be informed about...
What are the filer’s responsibilities in bankruptcy?
Bankruptcy is a legal procedure that offers a fresh financial start for those overwhelmed by debt. While it does provide relief from many forms of debt, it's not a process to be taken lightly. Individuals filing for bankruptcy must fulfill various obligations and...
What is the automatic stay and how can it help debtors?
The automatic stay is a fundamental component of the bankruptcy process that provides immediate relief for debtors upon filing for bankruptcy. It is an automatic injunction that goes into effect as soon as the bankruptcy petition is filed, imposing a legal barrier...
An introduction to Chapter 13 bankruptcy
Chapter 13 bankruptcy is a form of personal bankruptcy available to most individuals who are struggling with overwhelming debt. This process provides an opportunity to reorganize their debts and to pay them down in manageable installments over a specific period of...