Much of the surroundings around Charleston, West Virginia, are rural. Such a location offers citizens a wonderful home. However, many workers have to commute daily to more populated areas. With so many people on the roads at the same time, particularly during rush...
The People’s Lawyer
Month: May 2022
Defending yourself against a charge of child abuse
A child abuse charge could haunt you for the rest of your life, particularly if the abuse alleged is sexual in nature. Even if the allegation is proved false, you may never regain your good name or reputation and may face an uphill battle in custody court. There are...
What are the 4 phases of an abusive relationship?
No two abusive relationships are alike. Even so, certain patterns do emerge in many of them, like abrupt, ugly shifts in your partner’s mood due to the slightest provocation. Maintaining rigid control over you is an abuser’s typical strategy. The smallest thing, like...
Fighting back against drunk driving charges
When an officer pulls a driver over in West Virginia, the first reaction is often panic and maybe even a twinge of fear. This can grow into full-blown anxiety when the officer asks them to step out of the car and submit to field sobriety tests (FSTs). By the time law...
Filing for subsequent bankruptcies
Financial hardships are often unexpected. Thus, individuals in West Virginia and elsewhere often seek ways to address their growing debt. It can feel like a helpless situation; however, filing for bankruptcy might be the best decision one can make. Even if you have a...