When most people consider the consequences of a criminal conviction, they focus on the sentence imposed by a judge—incarceration, fines or probation. But the consequences of a criminal conviction can go far beyond the sentence. Collateral consequences Collateral...
The People’s Lawyer
Month: January 2023
What is construction negligence?
Construction of a new home or business is the largest investment most people will ever make. But substandard work can have serious financial, legal and safety consequences. Builder negligence Construction, or builder negligence, has many causes and may have serious...
What is a Chapter 7 bankruptcy?
The umbrella of bankruptcy protects different types of debtors and their assets. Bankruptcy under Chapter 7 eliminates debt through a liquidation, or selling off, of assets. Court-appointed trustees take possession and distribute proceeds to creditors. Though...
Reimbursement for lost wages after a car accident
When you suffer serious injuries in a car accident, your recovery and healing process is often long and arduous. Most car accident victims must take some time off work while they recuperate. Missed time from work can quickly add up Even after you recover enough to...
What do you do with the house when you get divorced?
You and your spouse are thinking about divorce, and the most complicated situation that has arisen is that you are not sure what to do with your home. It seems easy to divide the financial assets that you have – bank accounts, investments, etc – but you’re not sure...