If you are a victim of domestic violence in West Virginia, you may wonder if you need a family protective order to shield yourself and your loved ones from further harm. These orders are to protect you. The benefits of these is that they can keep the abuser out of...
The People’s Lawyer
Family Protection Order – Defense
What to avoid when served with a family protective order
When things go awry in your relationship and you're served with a protective order, it can be frustrating, especially if it's preventing you from seeing your children. In West Virginia, someone can seek a restraining order to protect themselves or minor children from...
The holidays can mean a rise in domestic violence
The holidays are meant to be a time of joy and celebration, as we spend time with family and friends and take a break from our daily lives. Unfortunately, sometimes incidents of domestic violence increase over the holiday season. This problem is not unique to West...
Key points about final hearings for family protective orders
Allegations of domestic violence are unfortunately common in West Virginia. This can occur as an ongoing series of mistreatment or it can happen without warning. In some cases, it is said to have happened but did not happen at all or was not as clear as the complaint...
Are you facing a domestic violence protective order?
If your current or former spouse has filed a domestic violence petition against you, it could affect your relationship with the children. Depending on the conditions of the protective order the court may issue, you could be prevented from seeing or even contacting...
New Year’s Eve and domestic violence: How to stay safe
The relationship between domestic violence and alcohol is complicated -- and deadly. More than one research study has found that the majority of deadly domestic incidents are connected to the perpetrator's use of alcohol. In many cases, all it takes is a few drinks...
Orders of protection: The super-weapon of divorce
You think that your divorce is trudging along like most normal divorces and then, suddenly, you find yourself served with papers telling you that your spouse and children are under an order of protection -- from you. What? As unbelievable as it sounds, unsubstantiated...
Served with a protective order? What happens next?
If you've just been served with a family protective order, you may be feeling a variety of emotions -- anger, frustration and grief among them. However, the biggest thing you may be experiencing is a profound sense of confusion, particularly if you don't think you did...