People who find themselves in financial distress often consider filing a petition for bankruptcy to protect themselves from abusive debt collection and to resolve their financial situation. Very few people in West Virginia are aware of the miracle-like effect of the...
The People’s Lawyer
Defending yourself against a charge of child abuse
A child abuse charge could haunt you for the rest of your life, particularly if the abuse alleged is sexual in nature. Even if the allegation is proved false, you may never regain your good name or reputation and may face an uphill battle in custody court. There are...
Filing for subsequent bankruptcies
Financial hardships are often unexpected. Thus, individuals in West Virginia and elsewhere often seek ways to address their growing debt. It can feel like a helpless situation; however, filing for bankruptcy might be the best decision one can make. Even if you have a...
Bankruptcy exemptions can provide you with financial stability
Far too many people who are struggling with debt fight with all of their effort to scramble back to a state of financial security. Unfortunately, all too often this leaves these individuals in a dire financial situation for years, sometimes even decades, without...
Bankruptcy overview and the filing process
Bankruptcy allows a person to discharge their debts and can allow them to keep certain property. There are two types of personal bankruptcy, Chapter 7 and Chapter 13. There are income limits which affect which type of bankruptcy a person can file. Under Chapter 7...
Chapter 7 vs. Chapter 13 bankruptcy
When a borrower is unable to repay his or her debts, the best option may be to file for bankruptcy. There are two types of bankruptcy and there are advantages and disadvantages to both. Chapter 7 bankruptcy When a borrower files for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, also called a...
Will filing for bankruptcy ruin your credit forever?
Many people in Charles Town are hard workers not afraid to put in the daily grind to get the job done. For this reason, when your debts become so great that you simply have no way to pay them back you may feel like you are out of options. You are not. Filing for...
Can you keep your vehicle if you go into bankruptcy?
If you need to file for bankruptcy, one of the questions you may have is whether you will keep your vehicle. In some cases, the answer is yes. There are a few different ways that you may keep your vehicle as you go through bankruptcy. Make sure that doing so is within...
Addressing your concerns about bankruptcy
West Virginia residents, along with most of the rest of the country, have seen some difficult times in the last year and a half or so. Some of the most challenging issues have been financial problems. You or your spouse may have lost a job, for example, or maybe your...
Which bankruptcy do I need to clear personal debt?
There are several kinds of bankruptcy options available. If you are worried about personal debt rather than business debt, you need to consider either a Chapter 7 or Chapter 13 filing. The differences are significant, so it is essential to make the correct choice....