The People’s Lawyer

Recent mine accidents take heavy toll in injuries, deaths

On Behalf of | Jun 22, 2021 | Personal Injury Claims

Residents of West Virginia are aware of the ever present threat of death and serious injury posed by the underground mining of coal in the state. Two recent fatal accidents once again reminded the state of the co-existent threats of death and injury for men who work in the mines.

Falling support timber kills supervisor and shuttle car hits, kills miner

The decedent was a foreman who was working underground in a Marion County mine. According to the Governor’s office, the man was killed when the edge of a supporting pillar struck him.

Two days after the accident in the Marion County mine, a worker was struck by an underground shuttle in the Horse Creek Eagle Mine near Naoma, in Raleigh County. The Horse Creek Eagle mine is operated by a subsidiary of the Alpha Metallurgical Resources, the company formerly known as Contura Energy, Inc.

Recovering damages

Recovering damages for any injury suffered while working in a mine can be difficult. In order to recovering damages from an employer, the injured employee or his family must prove that the mining company was aware of the hazard and deliberately chose not to repair it. Suits for damages can be brought against third parties, that is, persons or entities who are not the claimant’s employer.

Anyone who has suffered a serious injury or lost a loved one in a mining accident may wish to consult an experienced personal injury attorney for advice on how to proceed. A knowledgeable lawyer can evaluate the case, suggest possible legal arguments, and provide an estimate of the likelihood of recovering damages.