The People’s Lawyer

Tips for making the most of supervised visits with your child

On Behalf of | Jul 5, 2023 | Family Law

Supervised visits can present a challenging dynamic for families, especially for parents who must navigate these arrangements. The right approach can foster a positive environment that encourages nurturing relationships and ongoing parent-child interaction.

These visits usually occur when a non-custodial parent has limited contact with their child under the observation of an appointed supervisor. This setup is often used when the court deems it necessary to protect a child’s safety while preserving their right to have a relationship with both parents.

Use a child-centered approach during supervised visitation

Maintaining a child-centered approach is the most important thing to remember during supervised visits. This means focusing on the child’s needs and interests. The visit should allow the parent to interact with the child and build a bond. It’s not a forum for discussing adult issues or conflicts. The parent should engage in activities that the child enjoys. 

Understanding and respecting the role of the supervisor

The supervisor’s role in a supervised visitation is to ensure the safety and well-being of the child. Parents should know that the supervisor enforces the court’s guidelines. It’s crucial to respect the supervisor’s role and cooperate with them, as any conflict or confrontation may negatively impact the child and the parent-child relationship.

Communicating effectively and maintaining positivity

Effective and positive communication is vital during supervised visitations. Parents shouldn’t ever use supervised visits to express their frustrations about the situation. Instead, keep the conversations focused on supporting and loving the child. 

In some cases, supervised visits are only ordered for a specific amount of time or until certain conditions are met. Both parents should understand the terms so they can help the child to adjust to the circumstances.